Course Quality Assurance for Distance Learning
Ended May 1, 2020
12 credits
Spots remaining: 0
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Full course description
Term: Spring 2020
Date: January 17th - May 1st, 2020
Time: Self Paced
Location: Online
Instructors: Daron Williams, Larry Cox, Eunice Ofori, Douglas Asante, Kizito Mukuni, Matthew Louvet
Presented By: Technology Enhanced Learning & Online Services (TLOS) & Learning Experience Design (LED)
This offering is for faculty who have extensive experience with developing a distance learning course and/or have successfully completed professional development for credentialing as prepared to develop a distance learning class within the last three years. Faculty participants are provided Canvas templates, resources and quality assurance standards and submit evidence and examples from their independently developed distance learning course for the course quality assurance review process. Submissions receive preliminary reviews and any necessary revisions are requested for a final submission prior to the course quality assurance review. Registration is open up to six weeks prior to the final quality assurance review date. Successful completion over a period of at least 6 weeks results in your course being credentialed to offer in a distance education format in compliance with the VT Distance Learning Policy #6364. This offering is primarily asynchronous but participants may request up to 4 face-to-face consultations throughout the process.