
Inclusive Pedagogy: How Student Identities Matter

Ended Dec 20, 2021
3 credits

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Full course description

Term: Fall 2021

Date: Open August 30th - December 20th, 2021


Instructor: Michele Deramo

Presented By: Inclusion & Diversity (INDV)



We want to treat our students equitably, but students are not all the same.

This online course, comprised of a series of micro-learning sessions, explores how student identities matter in the classroom. Through nine mini-modules using scenarios, short readings and information on campus resources, participants discover equitable practices that accommodate the diversity of student identities related to ability, wellness,  socioeconomic status, veteran status, religion, and gender identity and expression.

The workshop unfolds as a series of announcements that include a scenario and response, information about on-campus resources, and additional reading.  An announcement will be delivered to your email every Monday morning throughout the semester.  A companion discussion board will provide a space for participants to interact and share their own insights about the confluence of identities and instruction. Midway and toward the end of the semester, we will schedule opportunities for participants to gather in person to discuss some of the topics addressed here and from their own experiences in the classroom.