
SP323 - Black Queer Voices of 20th Century America: A VirTual Safe Zone Elective Tuesday at 4pm

Ended May 12, 2023
12 credits

Spots remaining: 2

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Full course description

Term: Spring 2023

Date: April 10th - May 12th, 2022

Time: Tuesdays: 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Location: Online Only

Instructors: Ocqua Murrell

Presented By: Inclusion and Diversity (INDV)



This VirTual Safe Zone Elective is an online five-week course addressing Black and queer identities and issues. This course aims to

  • introduce participants to Black queer pioneers from various backgrounds in 20th century America;
  • analyze the major contributions these individuals have added to the experiences of being Black at the intersections of race, gender and sexuality;
  • access the ways that they have influenced each other and contemporary Black queer folx today in various careers;
  • provide the opportunity to engage in introspective or reflective thinking;
  • engage individuals in discussion with one another regarding their own understanding, feelings, and experiences with the course content