FA23 2 - Asexual and Intersex Identities and Experiences: A VirTual Safe Zone Elective Fridays 10am
Ended Dec 1, 2023
12 credits
Spots remaining: 8
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Full course description
Term: Fall 2023
Date: October 23rd - December 1st, 2023
Time: Fridays: 10:00am - 11:00am
Location: Online Only
Instructor: Dr. Bing
Presented By: Inclusion and Diversity (INDV)
This VirTual Safe Zone Elective is an online five-week course addressing asexuality and intersex identities and issues. This course aims to
- introduce participants to intersex and asexuality terminology;
- analyze how the history of erasure and exclusion has contributed to the individual experiences of being intersex and asexual, separately, together, and at the intersections of race, gender and disability;
- provide an understanding that in general intersex and asexuality are not "problems" that need to be "fixed";
- provide the opportunity to engage in introspective or reflective thinking;
- engage individuals in discussion with one another regarding their own understanding, feelings, and experiences with the course content.
The course consists of weekly readings, reflections, and a live discussion lab.
- The course curriculum delivers basic information to begin your development of content knowledge.
- The readings and videos are meant to help deepen your scope of the topic.
- The discussion board reflective writings provide the opportunity to explore your thoughts, feelings, and questions.
- The live discussions engage you in conversation with one another and allow for questions to be proffered to the group.