
Captioning Fundamentals

Ended Aug 16, 2021
1 credit

Spots remaining: 20

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Term: Fall 2021

Date: 9:15am - 10:15am

Time: 10:00am - 11:00am


Instructors: Christa Miller & Bharath Bharadwaj

Presented By:  Accessible Technologies (AT)



Closed captions are just one of many ways to support learner variability. Captions and transcripts provide a text alternative to audio that provides viewers with additional ways to access content, improves overall comprehension, and supports audience variability. In this session, participants will discuss how to use best practices and current technologies to create and edit closed captions. 

The goal of this session is for us to showcase the capabilities of Zoom and Kaltura to support your needs for creating text alternatives for video. While we will focus on creating captions for course content, the skills demonstrated also support transcripts used in research. Come bring your questions and your thoughts and learn something to take you to the next level!