LED: Mastery of Online Instruction Bootcamp
Ended Jan 15, 2019
11 credits
Spots remaining: 0
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Full course description
This is a two day course.
Tue, January 15th, 2019
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Torgersen Hall 1120
Tue, January 15th, 2019
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Torgersen Hall 1120
Wed, January 16th, 2019
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Torgersen Hall TBD
Instructor: Daron Williams - LED/TLOS
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Torgersen Hall TBD
Instructor: Daron Williams - LED/TLOS
Faculty teaching distance learning courses either online or in a connected classroom can prepare for compliance with VT Distance Learning Policy 6364 through this ‘boot camp’ experience while earning 12 NLI credits.
This one and one-half day workshop will cover the basics of instructional design for media-rich and interactive distance learning courses. The first day, instructors for online courses will cover foundational design topics, such as:
writing measurable objectives,
strategies for assessing achievement of objectives,
lesson planning for technology-enhanced distance learning environments, and
creation/use of instructional materials geared toward those environments.
On the second day, online course instructors will meet for a half-day in the morning. This session will address technologies for the online environment, as well as managing student engagement and teaching strategies. There is a simultaneous offering for connected classroom instructors and faculty are invited to attend both for two full days so as to achieve two credentials during this experience. Separate registration and attendance at both sessions on the second day is required to achieve certification for both.
In order to obtain credentialing as prepared to teach online, participants will be expected to create and submit deliverables associated with the topics covered during the live sessions. Some deliverables will be explained and due in the Boot Camp Canvas site before the session begins; others will be due in the weeks after the workshop ends. In most cases, these deliverables are revisions of existing elements and may require significant time to properly develop and/or reconfigure to suit the teaching environment. To allow for this time, submission of these deliverables will be due according to a schedule provided at the live session. All deliverables MUST be completed by the participant and reviewed by TLOS instructional design staff prior to the faculty member achieving the desired credentialing. During the time frame for creation of deliverables, instructional designers will be available for consultation by appointment.