ICAT Playdate: Who am I working with? Enabling Human-Robot-Human Collaboration for Future Distributed Manufacturing.
Ended Feb 2, 2024
1 credit
Full course description
Term: Spring 2024
Date: February 2nd, 2024
Time: 8:30am - 9:30am
Location: Community Assembly in the Creativity + Innovation District Living-Learning Community
Instructor: Phyllis Newbill
Presented By: Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT)
There is a growing manufacturing skills gap in the U.S. resulting from an aging workforce, lack of work-life balance, and geographical mismatches between where people live and where jobs are. Our work explores multiple humans collaborating physically with one another across geographical barriers, using robots as a medium to fill the manufacturing skills gap and enhance current and future distributed manufacturing. Human-robot-human collaboration, or simply HRH, will be a key to such geographically distributed manufacturing environments. Consider a jet engine repair expert, who is tele-operating a robot to diagnose and re-arrange parts, while local on-site workers are collaborating with the robot to align, carry, and attach each part. How does the remote teleoperator understand how to lift or carry an object with the onsite workers, and how do the workers recognize the teleoperator's intent through the actions of the robot? As a start toward answering these questions, a multidisciplinary team with expertise in human factors & ergonomics, robotics, and industrial psychology will explore scenarios wherein one human is remotely controlling a robot that is collaborating with a second human, with emphasis on the human-technology partnership.
ISE: Sunwook Kim, Sol Lim, Maury Nussbaum
ME: Dylan Losey
PSYCH: Ivan Hernandez