Full course description
Term: Spring 2025
Date: February 28th, 2025
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Online Only
Instructor: Matthew Brown
Presented By: Advanced Research Computing (ARC)
ARC clusters use an open source software called SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) for cluster resource management and job scheduling. Slurm keeps track of the state of all jobs and resources in the cluster and is responsible for accepting resource requests (jobs) from user, allocating them fairly, and orchestrating the launch of jobs on the clusters. There are a few key concepts and commands that you need to know to be able to make effective use of clusters and this workshop aims to introduce you to those and provide specific information about how to use VT's clusters. This workshop will provide an introduction to cluster computing terminology, hands-on examples to demonstrate basic functions and cluster interactions, and references for more information.
Prerequisites: Have an account on ARC systems. Rudimentary linux command line skills.