
Elements Hands-on Working Session

Ended Feb 20, 2019
1 credit

Full course description

Date: February 20th, 2019
 2:00pm to 3:15pm  
 Torgersen Hall room 1120
Peggy Layne - 
Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, Faculty Affairs
Ginny Pannabecker - University Libraries

Join Peggy Layne and Ginny Pannabecker for this hands-on working session geared towards all VT faculty interested in or using the VT Elements System (Electronic Faculty Activity Data and Reporting System - also used for eFARs by some areas). Facilitators will provide a brief introduction (10-20 minutes), combined with hands-on work and discussion (20 minutes) between facilitators and participants regarding questions and tips on points such as: data import options, report generation, depositing works to the VTechWorks repository via the Elements system, or other topics of interest to those at the session. The session will conclude with time (30-45 min) for participants to work on their Elements profiles.

By the end of the session, participants will:
-be familiar with the components of the Elements system, including what comes in automatically, and what needs to be entered manually
-be able to identify resources to help later on for entering data into the system
-have edited their profile page bio, links, and other information
-have set auto-claiming and search settings for publication data
-be able to export available reports and use available annual reporting modules (depends on college)
-have started to review existing data and to enter new data into their Elements profile for teaching, research, and service activities for the past year or more
-have answers to or a follow up point for their specific questions about the system