
Fundamentals of Data Visualization with Tableau Desktop (Data Viz Series)

Ended Feb 6, 2019
2 credits

Full course description

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019
10:00am - 11:30am
Newman Library Athenaeum or Zoom
Zoom Information:
Instructor: Jonathan Briganti - University Libraries

Tableau allows you or your students to easily turn research data into detailed, interactive visualizations which tell a story that numbers alone struggle to express. Learn to link directly to your data sources and create a variety of visualizations with intuitive controls. Become familiar with Tableau Desktop, create live interactive visualizations, and showcase your work in dashboards.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
-Import existing datasets into Tableau
-Create basic static visualizations such as bar and line charts
-Modify style and options in Tableau visualizations
-Create live interactive visualizations and online dashboards