Conscientious Discussion and ThoughtSwap
Ended Aug 20, 2019
2 credits
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Date: August 20th, 2019
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Term: Fall 2019
Location: Torgerson 1100
Presented By: Professional Development Network (PDN)
Instructors: Dr. Deborah G. Tatar.
Holding a discussion in a classroom setting, especially in a large one is a challenge in itself. Yet
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Term: Fall 2019
Location: Torgerson 1100
Presented By: Professional Development Network (PDN)
Instructors: Dr. Deborah G. Tatar.
Holding a discussion in a classroom setting, especially in a large one is a challenge in itself. Yet
the promise and the purpose of university education is to transform each student’s thinking in
ways that need conscientious discourse, that is the student’s effort to practice of internal
accountability while also listening and responding to other people. This is as true in many
aspects of STEM education and professional programs as in the liberal arts, especially when it
comes to topics such as ethics.
In this workshop, we will introduce and use ThoughtSwap, a webtool created at ThirdLab at
Virginia Tech, and related pedagogies to increase participation and promote conscientious