
Got animals? How to address the 3Rs in IACUC protocol literature reviews

Ended Mar 12, 2019
2 credits

Spots remaining: 19

Full course description

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Vet Med (VMIA) 220
Instructor: Kiri Goldbeck DeBose - University Libraries

As stated in the IACUC protocol review forms, ""The Federal Animal Welfare Act and PHS Policy require that researchers/instructors evaluate the existence of alternatives when procedures cause more than slight or momentary pain or distress for the animal."" But how does one find alternatives and what exactly are the “3Rs” that make up these alternatives? What are some best practices to employ as you engage in addressing the literature review components of IACUC protocols for animals used in research and teaching environments? Through our discussions and activities, attendees will define each component of the 3Rs (reduction, refinement, and replacement) and explain their importance in determining potential alternatives for their IACUC protocols for teaching and research purposes. We will determine appropriate databases, develop effective search strategies, and conduct searches (come with your own or use our example) to properly address the protocol requirements. Attendees will also be able to describe what information to include in their IACUC protocol review forms and who to contact for further assistance with these types of literature searches. This is a hands-on workshop, participants should bring a laptop or other mobile device they commonly use to conduct searches and record results.

Participants will be able to:
  • Explain how the “3Rs” are used regarding animal subjects
  • Create search strategies (either with own or example topic)
  • Search databases and other resources to locate literature regarding alternatives
  • Justify why an alternative might not be utilized Incorporate findings into an IACUC protocol