
Where Can I Post My Publications? (and other works)

Ended Feb 26, 2019
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Tuesday, February 26th, 2019
10:00am - 11:00am
Torgersen 1100 or Zoom
Zoom information:
Instructors: Ginny Pannabecker & Philip Young - University Libraries

Would you like to make your publications and other works available for other researchers to read and use? Are you already posting your publications on a researcher profile such as ResearchGate or on your personal website; linking to them in a profile like Google Scholar, ORCID, or VIVO; or uploading them to a repository, such as VT’s institutional repository, VTechWorks, or a disciplinary repository like arXiv?

Join this session to learn more about:
(1) benefits and considerations for using each sharing option, including whether each offers linking, posting, or both,
(2) connections to transfer information between such platforms, including VT’s Elements system,
(3) how to ensure you comply with copyright, author publishing agreements, and publisher posting guidelines, and
(4) identify whether one or more of your works may be eligible for deposit in VTechWorks or other repositories.