Systematic Reviews 101: Current Trends in Evidence Synthesis
Ended Mar 3, 2020
1 credit
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Term: Spring 2020
Date: March 3rd, 2020
Time: 2:30pm - 3:45pm
Location: Torgersen 1100
Instructors: Ginny Pannabecker, Erin Smith, Kiri DeBose, & Cozette Comer
Presented By: University Libraries (LIB)
Are you thinking about undertaking a systematic review, or a comprehensive literature review? How does the systematic review methodology work in your discipline? In this one-hour session, participants will learn what sets apart a systematic review from other types of original research literature. By the end of the session, you will be able to describe the steps of the review process, apply an approach to frame precise research questions, evaluate systematic reviews using established guidelines, and reflect on whether a systematic review is the best option for your research goals.[Systematic Review Workshop Series #2 of 6 -- attend as a one-off or as part 2 of 6 for this series of workshops to develop skills and use tools available to assist with conducting comprehensive literature reviews. Note sessions 1 and 6 are duplicative -- you only have to attend a session about Covidence once to complete the series.]
Date: March 3rd, 2020
Time: 2:30pm - 3:45pm
Location: Torgersen 1100
Instructors: Ginny Pannabecker, Erin Smith, Kiri DeBose, & Cozette Comer
Presented By: University Libraries (LIB)
Are you thinking about undertaking a systematic review, or a comprehensive literature review? How does the systematic review methodology work in your discipline? In this one-hour session, participants will learn what sets apart a systematic review from other types of original research literature. By the end of the session, you will be able to describe the steps of the review process, apply an approach to frame precise research questions, evaluate systematic reviews using established guidelines, and reflect on whether a systematic review is the best option for your research goals.[Systematic Review Workshop Series #2 of 6 -- attend as a one-off or as part 2 of 6 for this series of workshops to develop skills and use tools available to assist with conducting comprehensive literature reviews. Note sessions 1 and 6 are duplicative -- you only have to attend a session about Covidence once to complete the series.]