$140,000 Available to Publish Journal Articles
Ended Oct 2, 2019
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Term: Fall 2019
Date: October 2nd, 2019
Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Library--Newman 427, R&I Conference Room
Instructors: Gail McMillan
Presented By: University Libraries (LIB)
Virginia Tech Libraries has made available $140,000 for FY 2019 to support articles published in scholarly Open Access (OA) journals. Revised upward limits now support up to $2000 per article if the article is accepted for publication in an OA journal that requires payment of APCs—article processing charges. The VT Open Access Subvention Fund (OASF) also supports APCs for hybrid OA journals, if the publisher reduces institutional subscriptions accordingly. The OASF is available to everyone In the VT community—faculty, staff, and students.
Date: October 2nd, 2019
Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Library--Newman 427, R&I Conference Room
Instructors: Gail McMillan
Presented By: University Libraries (LIB)
Virginia Tech Libraries has made available $140,000 for FY 2019 to support articles published in scholarly Open Access (OA) journals. Revised upward limits now support up to $2000 per article if the article is accepted for publication in an OA journal that requires payment of APCs—article processing charges. The VT Open Access Subvention Fund (OASF) also supports APCs for hybrid OA journals, if the publisher reduces institutional subscriptions accordingly. The OASF is available to everyone In the VT community—faculty, staff, and students.
In this session we will review the revised OASF award guidelines, identify databases that help determine if your publisher meets the funding criteria, and locate OA journals in your field. Bring your laptop and practice or create an OASF request with the fund manager at hand.
At the conclusion of the session you will be in a good position to have your next article funded, which you can link to your CV, FAR, or dossier for promotion and tenure.
If there’s time you may also learn about the Libraries’ publishing services, including open textbooks, book subvention opportunities, and VT’s draft open access policy.