
Talk→Text→Data: Tools for Collecting and Transcribing Audio and Video Data

Ended Sep 4, 2019
2 credits

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Term: Fall 2019
Date: September 4th, 2019
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Newman Library Athenaeum Classroom
Instructor: Nathaniel Porter
Presented By: University Libraries (LIB)

Learn about the range of audio-visual (A/V) data collection and transcription tools available to you, get hands-on practice VT’s free video and transcription tools, and start planning your own collection and transcription workflow.

The workshop introduces common approaches and issues in collecting and transcribing A/V data. It introduces automatic tools such as Kaltura, Otter and YouTube as well as paid and DIY manual options. Participants will practice using Kaltura to request and edit transcripts and create personalized plans for A/V data collection, transcription and preparation suited to their own potential projects.

This is an introductory workshop: you do not need experience, data, or a project to participate.

Audience note: while some of the material may be useful to those interested in captioning and accessibility, the content is specifically designed to address the research process with A/V data.