
How to take advantage of the university’s open access policy

Ended Feb 6, 2023
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Term: Spring 2023

Date: February 6th, 2023

Time: 12:00p - 1:00p

Location: Online Only

Instructor: Philip Young

Presented By: University Libraries (LIB)



All Virginia Tech affiliated researchers now have the right to provide open access to the accepted version of scholarly articles in the university’s repository, VTechWorks, regardless of their copyright transfer agreement, as the result of a faculty-led effort approved by the Board of Visitors in spring 2021.  This session helps researchers understand and utilize the policy, including version preparation, ways to deposit (Elements, Google Form, and email), waiving the license, delaying access if desired, as well as related issues such as open licensing and repository indexing and usage.  Open access to peer reviewed research is vital to scholars in low and middle income countries, government policymakers, non-governmental organizations, taxpayers, and our own alumni.  Authors benefit through greater readership, downloads, and citations.  Open access to research helps realize Virginia Tech’s global land grant mission.  This session is open to all faculty, staff, and students.