
Introduction to Policy Concepts

6 credits


Full course description

Time & Location: Online Self Paced

Instructor: Anne-Lise Velez

Presented By: +Policy Network



The objective of this professional development is to provide a foundation in the basics of policy making processes for researchers, so that you can be more effective actors through better understanding policy formulation, implementation, and mechanisms of influence. Materials cover basics of policy definitions, policy processes and ecosystems, approaches to governance, ethical and social dimensions of policy, and some ideas for putting competencies into practice. The intended audience includes both early career researchers including graduate students as well as more established researchers and scholars who want to better understand the policy process and may want their work to be used to help craft policies and shape policy outcomes, but who have little to no experience in this realm. This PDN experience complements the synchronous "Policy Concepts Applied: Policy Camp" offered later in the year.



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