Full course description
Term: Fall 2024
Date: October 18th, 2024
Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Graduate Life Center Room 40
Instructors: Stephanie DeHart & Kate Miller
Presented By: Statistical Applications and Innovations Group (SAIG)
The ability to create professional grade graphics is of key importance for scientific communication. The R programming package offers a powerful, flexible, and free platform which can be used to produce publication-quality graphics. The following topics will be covered:
• Producing statistical graphs including histograms, bar plots, box plots, and scatter plots using basic R
• Syntax to control colors, plotting characters, axes, legends, and labels
• Creating high resolution graphics to various file types
• Pros and cons of various graphics
No previous coding experience is required! Bring your laptop with R and RStudio installed on your machine. You can download them from the following links:
https://www.r-project.org/ (Links to an external site).
https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/ (Links to an external site).
If you already have R and RStudio on your laptop, make sure they are the most up to date versions.