
Design Your Own Curriculum

Ended May 12, 2020
12 credits

Spots remaining: 4

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Term: Spring 2020
Date & Time: Online Self Paced
Location: Online
Instructor: Nikki Edwards
Presented By: Technology Enhanced Learning & Online Strategies (TLOS)  & Professional Development Network (PDN)

We are dedicated to helping you make the most of your professional development time commitments. In addition to the LinkedIn Learning self-paced professional development options, PDN offers Design Your Own Curriculum (DYOC) opportunities for credit. DYOC participants work with PDN staff to develop a professional development plan to earn the required 12 hours of professional development.

DYOC plans must address how the activity, project, or research project will impact professional practice in the areas of Inclusive Practices, Learning Experiences, Productivity, Research and Discovery, and/or Teaching and Learning. Additionally, each plan should reflect on how mastery is demonstrated or learning assessed.