
CC Core: Spring 2025 Career Champions Core Training

Feb 13, 2025 - Mar 20, 2025
12 credits

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Full course description

Term: Spring 2025

Dates & Times: Asynchronus Learning with 3 live sessions

There will be about two hours of interactive, asynchronous learning prior to each live session

Live Session 1: Thursday, February 13, 1:30 - 3:00 PM

Live Session 2: Thursday, February 27, 1:30 - 3:00 PM

Live Session 3: Thursday, March 20, 1:30 - 3:00 PM

Location: Online Only

Instructors: Heidi Gilbert, Suzanne Shelburne, & Meredith Gerber

Presented By: Career and Professional Development (CPD)



Do students seek your advice about career related topics? Would you like to be more familiar with career related resources? The Career Everywhere concept recognizes that career conversations can happen anywhere. Whether with peers, faculty, staff, alumni, employers, supervisors or beyond, students seek advice about their career aspirations and plans from a variety of individuals.

Become a Career Champion for Virginia Tech students! Learn about Career and Professional Development’s services, career resources, and strategies for career conversations. This program will consist of asynchronous learning, hands-on reflection, and content application in live Zoom sessions.

The core training is 12 hours of work throughout the semester. (~2 hours of asynchronous learning before each 1.5 hour live session). Completion of all asynchronous content and participation in all live sessions is required for successful completion of the program. Upon completion of the Core Training, Career Champions are invited to participate in electives to continue building their knowledge and skills.

The asynchronous component of the program consists of modules featuring videos, audio clips, interactive images and activities, and written text. The synchronous component of the program is hosted over Zoom and includes small and large group discussion and activities to apply asynchronous content.

Please let Accessible Technologies know if you need any reasonable accommodations to access the information for the class. If you need electronic copies of class materials, a screen magnifier, screen reader, speech input, or other assistive technology please let us know at least 2 weeks advance to allow us time to ensure items are in place and configured correctly.