
Systematic Searching for Comprehensive Literature Reviews

Ended Oct 6, 2020
1 credit

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Term: Fall 2020

Date: October 6th, 2020

Time: 11:00am - 12:15pm


Instructors: Ginny Pannabecker, Erin Smith, & Kiri Debose

Presented By: University Libraries (LIB)



Conducting a comprehensive literature review in today’s world of ever expanding publications can be overwhelming. Join in this session to develop a systematic approach for your literature review searches. Explore and identify key information sources for your topic - whether within your field or beyond. Trial and develop your search techniques with tips to maximize results. Discuss a plan to document your search so that you can recreate your results anytime. Try out alert features in library databases or via other sources to help you stay up to date during your project. Find out about Subject Specialist librarians at VT Libraries and more contacts for future needs. [Systematic Review Workshop Series #3 of 6 -- attend as a one-off or as part 3 of 6 for this series of workshops to develop skills and use tools available to assist with conducting comprehensive literature reviews. Note sessions 1 and 6 are duplicative -- you only have to attend a session about Covidence once to complete the series.]