
Biostatistics 101: Analysis Planning

Ended Jan 31, 2020
3 credits

Spots remaining: 5

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Full course description

Term: Spring 2020

Date: January 31st, 2020

Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Location: Online through Zoom Only

Instructors: Alexandra Hanlon & Kate Miller

Presented By: Statistical Applications & Innovations Group (SAIG)




The objective of this session is to introduce investigators to best practices for collaborating with a biostatistician to strengthen quantitative research studies in the health sciences. The session will provide strategies for effective study planning--whether the project involves study design and prospective data collection for a grant proposal, or an analysis of an observational existing dataset to be used for publication--including working with a biostatistician to draft an analysis plan, the importance of describing and visualizing data, and for carefully considering power and sample size.


This course is jointly sponsored by the Statistical Applications and Innovations Group (SAIG) and the Integrated Translational Health Research Institute of Virginia (iTHRIV).