
JMP Workshop Day 2

Ended Apr 2, 2020
4 credits

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Term: Spring 2020

Date: April 2nd 2020

Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm


Instructors: Kate Miller

Presented By: Statistical Applications and Innovations Group (SAIG) 


Presented By:

JMP is an easy-to-use, standalone statistics and graphics software from SAS Institute. It includes comprehensive capabilities for every academic field, and its interactive point-and-click interface and linked analyses and graphics make it ideal for research and for use in statistics courses, from the introductory to the advanced levels. JMP runs on Windows and Macintosh operating systems and connects to SAS®, R, Python, MATLAB and Excel. Come and see how to use JMP for data summary, analysis, visualization, and predictive modeling.

Bring your laptop (with JMP installed) and follow along, or come to listen and learn. These sessions will be recorded and will be made available to the academic community.

Part 2: Thursday, April 2, from 9am-1pm
• More Data Visualizations (9-9:30)
• Survival Analysis and Generalized Regression (generalized response distributions, censoring) (9:30-10:30)
• BREAK (11-11:15)
• Predictor Reduction and Generalized Regression (penalized regression) (11:15-12)
• Predictive Modeling (12-1)

If you have not yet installed JMP, here’s how to get it:
If you are VT faculty: request and download at
If you are a VT student: request and download at
If you are UVA faculty: contact JMP directly by emailing Mrs. Pany Allen,, to request access to JMP through UVA.
If you are a UVA student: access a limited version of JMP, for $30, at, or get the free 30-day trial from This version will have a few limitations. For example, it does not include generalized regression or SEM. The best way to access JMP for academic usage is always through the full professional version available with a campus license.
If you are associated with another university: search your university Software page to look for JMP, download the limited-version free trial from, or contact JMP directly by emailing Mrs. Pany Allen,
If you are not associated with a university: download the JMP 30-day free trial from This version will have a few limitations. For example, it does not include generalized regression or SEM. The best way to access JMP for academic usage is always through the full professional version available with a campus license.