
Accessibility Luncheon and Engagement Fair

Ended Mar 18, 2020
2 credits

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Term: Spring 2020

Date: March 18th, 2020

Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Location: Graduate Life Center - Multipurpose Room

Instructors: Mark Nichols

Presented By: Technology Enhanced Learning & Online Services (TLOS) & Accessible Technologies (AT)



Join TLOS:Accessible Technologies as we celebrate the impact of Universal Design and Accessibility across the university.  We will recognize university partners and advocates whose proactive efforts greatly contribute to the design of accessible and inclusive learning environments.  The engagement fair will feature stations and resources on accessible technologies, document and web accessibility, universal design, and more.  This event is free to VT faculty, staff, graduate students and postdocs.  Please RSVP (Links to an external site.)(using your VT Google account) by March 13, 2020 to confirm attendance.