Making the cut: Teaching with Video
Ended May 28, 2021
9 credits
Spots remaining: 17
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Full course description
Term: Summer 2021
Date: May 24th, 26th, & 28th, 2021
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm each day
Instructor: Dan Yaffe
Presented By: Technology Enhanced Learning & Online Strategies (TLOS) & Professional Development Network (PDN)
Do you want to incorporate videos or video assignments into your course? Come and learn about the resources TLOS can provide to you and your students for no charge. We will go over prerecording lectures, recording online lectures, student assignments, and student creation of video. Besides the technology we will also go over how to manage videos, making them more accessible and the best pedagogical practices of using videos.
We will also go over best practices for managing online class via Zoom for large and small classes. We will take into consideration your location and whether you are off campus, in a classroom or in your office.