
Visualizing Acid-Based Chemistry for Environmental Scientists and Engineers

Ended Feb 14, 2020
1 credit

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Term: Spring 2020

Date: Febraury 14th, 2020

Time: 8:30am - 9:30am 

Location: Moss Arts Center, 253

Instructors: Phyllis Newbill

Presented By:  Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT)



Our interdisciplinary team of educators from the sciences and engineering joined forces to create a novel and original technology-enhanced software tool for acid-base chemistry. Acid-base chemistry is an underlying principle throughout life and the universe, from controlling the pH of human blood to influencing global warming, virus attachment, and life on other planets.

Our interactive pKAnalyzer, available on line through GitHub, empowers students and professionals to visualize acid-base species while performing calculations. Student (n=27) response is terrific for the pKAnalyzer tool. The tool scored nearly all 7’s (strongly agree) for ease of use, aesthetics, and format of output, using the 7-point likert scale.

Speaker: Andrea Dietrich